Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Increase Your eCommerce Store Traffic and Sales

Huge e-commerce sites such as Shopify have made it easy for individuals to start their e-commerce sites and drive traffic to them with ecommerce marketing. According to a recent press release by UNTCAD, global e-commerce sales grew by about 13% in 2017, resulting in about $29 trillion. Although more people are buying online, you need to make use of e-commerce marketing techniques for e-commerce traffic generation. This post aims at giving you insights on traffic building and e-commerce.

Increase eCommerce Sales

1. Target existing customers


When an e-commerce establishment has trouble growing, the obvious conclusion is that there are not enough clients. This misconception is quite common as your existing clients provide you with e-commerce free traffic. Rather than focusing all your e-commerce marketing ideas on how to boost e-commerce traffic, shift your efforts towards client retention. Your existing clients are your best e-commerce traffic as they have a higher conversion rate. You can make your existing clients keep coming back by providing them with a customer loyalty program where you reward them each time they shop at your store or make use of a referral program to motivate existing customers to bring in new ones.

2. Make use of paid traffic


Paid traffic is one of the most effective ways on how to increase online sales fast. Though paid traffic is more often than not expensive, done right, it can lead to tremendous e-commerce business growth. Paid traffic could be in the form of creating ad campaigns on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and so on to increase e-commerce sales. Before paying for traffic from these referral sources consult your site’s social media properties to understand where engagement is highest. Targeting social platforms that already appeal to potential buyers is how to increase online sales through social media.

3. Use video demonstrations


Anybody would be interested in a visual description or demonstration on how to use the product or service you provide. Studies show that the average internet user is likely to spend 88% more time on your page if you have videos. Videos increase user engagement and show that you have an interest in the product you are selling. Also, videos resonate with people, and they are likely to remember its contents. Videos can also help you generate backlinks and social shares, as customers share your videos with their friends and families.

4. Build your brand’s awareness


This can be done by implementing the steps outlined in an e-commerce marketing strategy pdf. Strategy guides should cover how to build brand awareness and related topics like how to boost sales quickly and how to boost sales in a small business.

5. Include clients’ photos on your testimonials


The way you increase online sales in 2019 should change with the trends that are constantly developing, so your strategy in 2019 will look different from your strategy employed to increase online sales in 2018. As the web increasingly becomes visual, including your client’s photos on your testimonials and reviews is an effective way to drive ecommerce business growth. This shows that they are a real person and not just something someone made up. You can also allow your clients to share their stories about the product and encourage featured customers to link to your site on their own site. If your product or service is solving a problem, chances are high that your clients will be willing to tell and share their story.

6. Make use of e-commerce traffic statistics


You need to be aware of such statistics as:
  • What products clients are searching for
  • The demographics where most of your traffic is coming from
  • From which e-commerce marketing channels your traffic comes from
These statistics help you come with effective and tailored strategies on how to increase e-commerce sales.

7. Optimize your site for mobile devices


One of the worst mistakes that an e-commerce owner can make is to assume that clients are going to shop only from their computers. Today, more people are using mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones, to shop online. Indeed, research shows that 40% of smartphone users have shopped online. An effective way on how to boost e-commerce sales for mobile devices is through the use of apps.

8. Leverage SEO


Any credible e-commerce marketing company knows the critical role SEO plays in driving traffic to your e-commerce site. SEO is a common marketing technique that helps your e-commerce site “get found” in search results. Make sure you add keywords on your products descriptions and blog posts to increase the findability of your products via search both on your site and in search engines. Create internal links so that search engines index your e-commerce site.

9. Take an e-commerce marketing course


An e-commerce marketing guide is an effective learning tool for how to grow e-commerce sales and how to increase e-commerce revenue. With the high presence of online and offline resources, you are bound to find a course that’s tailored to your location or area or specialty. For instance, a person with an e-commerce platform in India or an e- commerce website in India should look for a course on how to increase e-commerce sales in India since buying habits will differ from location to location. An online jeweler should look for a course on how to increase online jewelry sales. If you run your ecommerce site with Shopify, look for resources on how users of Shopify increase traffic.

The bottom line


Gain your clients’ trust by ensuring that your e-commerce site is findable, informative, and secure. This will make your clients feel comfortable making purchases and sharing personal information and credit card numbers. This, along with the listed tips, will go a long way in helping your e-commerce site thrive.

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