Thursday, November 7, 2019

How To Optimize Your Product Page That Surge Growth and Revenue

Product Page Optimization

Product pages are the heart and soul of your e-commerce store.

Think about it for a moment. All those emails you send, campaigns you create, ads you pay for…
Everything you do, in fact, is to convince your visitors to land on your product pages—hopefully, with an intention to buy.
But products pages are not really the end of the customer journey. They’re only the beginning.
As of Q3 2018, only 2.42% of e-commerce site visits converted into purchases.
So, if you’re driving traffic to your product pages, but it’s not converting into sales, this article is for you. Today, I’ll share 11 of my favorite product page optimization strategies used by top e-commerce brands. Plus, how you can easily implement them on your online store.

Make the Most of Customer Testimonials

When was the last time you bought something without checking how many positive reviews it got? Unless you’re an outlier, the chances are pretty low. According to research, almost 95% of online shoppers read customer reviews before making a purchase. The same study found out that displaying reviews on your site can increase conversion rates by 270%. Crazy, isn’t it?
Displaying customer testimonials on your product pages can drive a lot of sales. But how you display them can also affect your conversion rates.
Highlighting your favorite flattering reviews is one option. But there’s always something more you can do to guide your visitors.

1. Add Personal Details to Testimonials

To make the most of testimonials, display them in a way that visitors can get the most value (and help) out of them. One way to achieve this is to provide personal details of the reviewer.
This way, your visitors can more easily relate to the commenters and get a clear idea of the product. They don’t only display the reviewer’s username, but also personal details, such as location, gender, age, height, and weight, which may have an impact on how you enjoy the product. It also helps the reader develop a liking for the reviewer. Here, you can compare the commenters to yourself and decide if their comments are relevant to you.

2. Make Reviews Easy-to-Read

If you manage to get long and detailed customer testimonials, kudos to you. The more in-depth the product reviews, the more value it provides the reader. But let’s admit it: Not everybody has the time to read through all those long reviews. (Especially if they’re not about a complex or high-end product.) Sometimes, customers have a lot to say. And you should always let them speak their minds. Instead of cutting them short, find a way to make your reviews easier to read for the visitor.

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3. Leverage User-Generated Content

One of the coolest buzzwords of the last decade, user-generated content, is a great source of social proof. In a survey by TINT, 80% of the respondents agreed that user-generated content makes marketing more authentic—and authenticity is a huge driver of sales. 
In fact, Photoslurp found user-generated content is five times more likely to convert when compared with branded content.
Adding user-generated content to your product pages is not only a way of displaying social proof. Content created by your customers can also help guide your visitors better. Think of it as a more creative and visual type of customer feedback. It makes the reviews more personal and relatable. 

 Showcase Your Products 

Picture two online stores selling the same item: One with unfocused and blurry product pictures, and the other with clear and high-quality images. Which one are you more likely to buy from? I think I can guess the answer.
In online shopping, the inability to see the product with one’s own eyes is an obstacle for visitors. That’s when you need to step in and help as much as possible.
Displaying your products in a better and clearer way can improve conversions and decrease the likelihood of returns.
Here are my favorite ways to do this. 

4. Create Product Videos 

A video is probably worth more than a thousand words.

According to Google, almost 50% of Internet users look for a product-related video before visiting a store. Why not offer visitors a product video when they’re on your online store? Using videos is one of the most realistic ways to display your products. Whether it’s an explained video or a product close-up, it gives you a chance to describe the item as vividly as possible.

5. Use 360-Degree Product Images

I know, not all products are suitable for little runway videos or close-ups. Luckily, there’s always a smart way you can display your products in detail. And my favorite method is 360-degree product images. Well-written product descriptions can tell a lot, but 360-degree images can explain the product in a much quicker way (and from all angles).

6. Show Products In Action

Even if you can’t use product videos or 360-degree images on your online site, you can still find other ways to display your products in detail. One great way to do this is to show your products in action. Displaying your products in real life makes it much easier for the visitor to picture them. When you visit one of their product pages, you’ll see a “Size Comparison Tool” which allows you to compare the wallet to several items that you are certainly familiar with: Credit card, passport, key, iPhone or Dollar Bills. Knowing the struggles of online shoppers, Bellroy successfully solves this common problem and helps visitors picture the product in real life situations.

Provide Clear Shipping Information 

You got your visitors interested in your product with great customer reviews and creative visuals. They’re now in the next stage: Considering to purchase. There’s one huge element that influences visitors’ buying decisions at this stage and that’s shipping. According to a study by BigCommerce, shipping cost and speed are influential factors in determining where people shop. 

At this stage, visitors want to see clear and detailed shipping information. If they meet any bad surprises during checkout, they’ll most likely abandon their carts and never return. Here are two smart ways how you can provide better shipping information on product pages and how you can use shipping to increase revenue. 

 7. Give Estimated Shipping Dates 

When people shop online, they want to know when they’ll receive the delivery.And they want to get their items as soon as possible. Providing an estimated delivery date will help visitors make better and faster buying decisions. The more precise you are, the easier it is for visitors to know what to expect. Avoid using a confusing language, such as “2-5 business days”. Instead, focus on the date that they’ll receive the item. Be careful, though. Over promising can turn into disappointment if you fail to deliver on the expected date. One thing you can do to keep this in check is to ask for partial address information in order to provide a more accurate guess. 

8. Promote Free Shipping  

The two magic words of e-commerce: free shipping. Now, you know that shipping options are highly influential in buying decisions. So much so that 60% of consumers are likely to abandon their carts when free shipping is not an option. But free shipping isn’t just an incentive to complete the purchase. It also helps the customers spend more. In fact, in one retail study, 9 out of 10 consumers said that free shipping is the number one incentive to shop online more. Offering free shipping can increase both your conversions and average order value. But in the end, they both mean higher sales revenue. One thing you need to be clear about is how and when customers qualify for free shipping. 

 Instead of simply listing your shipping policy, give visitors more information. For example, add a little message on your product pages if the item they’re browsing already qualifies for free shipping.

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